Medical and Healthcare

The healthcare regime is not so strong in the whole Indian context but the situation is far worse in the rural areas. With around 70% of the rural population and the low level of medical facilities there, the widespread disease and the resulting mortality rate are alarming. It is not only a big challenge for the government but is also a responsibility of the corporate visionaries to think about making a constructive mark in the scenario.

Medical emergencies and the first response treatment is the area envisioned by the Yenfor group to be developed in the rural settings and provide the most effective treatment at affordable costs. To make the people live healthier and safe life then such basic amenities are must and Yenfor with its vision of improving the quality of living in suburban regions has plans to deliver these services as well.

The lower quality of care, lack of awareness, poor accountability, limited access to facilities, and most important of all- the low income and higher cost of facilities, are some major glitches in the development of the rural healthcare system.

To properly diagnose the ailment and provide effective treatment, various high-end and state of the art equipment are required and the resulting services are out of the purchasing power of local peoples there.

Healthcare segment and the ease of availability of the medical services is closely related to the quality of life lived by a person in general. Intending to improve the standards of living and quality of life, Yenfor Group has also ventured into the healthcare regime.

With the international business links and the extensive network, Yenfor group aims to bring the healthcare professionals with a rich international experience and the best in class medical equipment at an affordable price. This will reduce the cost of medical services at will make them within reach of the common people there.  The plan is to develop a 100-bed hospital in the suburban areas and provide the best in class healthcare services to all.

Benefits for the Locality

The healthcare services and the special 100-bed hospital envisaged by the Yenfor group will only be lower in the cost without compromising an inch on the quality. Generally, the people from the suburban and rural areas have to move long distances even for small ailments, medicines, and tests. With such state of the art hospital, Yenfor aims to direct the patients from large cities there because of the quality.

With round the clock availability of emergency services and the doctors, there will be separate wards, operation theatres and ICU in every department. The best in class pathology labs will also be there so the patients need not to move anywhere else.

With such a venture, the suburban location will also witness a great development and the local service providers will also be benefited from it. Not only in terms of medical services, but will the hospital also make the town self-reliant and sufficient on the economic front. The well-managed services also require both skilled and unskilled staff so a huge employment opportunity will also be there for all.